Sunday, March 27, 2005

Never argue with a fool in public...

Decided to walk to work yesterday morning, and a man with peculiar clothing (a rather strangely colored suit) standing in the middle of the road stopped me and ask me the following:
"Γεια σας, κάνουμε ερωτήσεις δειγματοληπτικά στους περαστικούς. Πιστεύετε ότι η μελέτη της Βίβλου είναι επωφελής στους καιρούς που ζούμε;",

which, loosely translated, means:

"Hello, our job here is to randomly ask passers-by various questions. Would you say that the study of the Holy Bible is a beneficial thing in our time and age?"

Trying to follow my own advice, I thought to myself "you should never argue with a fool in public", patted him on the back, and said something along the lines of "I'd love to stay and chat, but I got business to attend to", and walked on by...

... At which point he started asking me if I would like a free copy of the magazine he was offering (on religious matters, of course)...

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